In an effort to learn more about the human condition, I’ve spent a great deal of time exploring different parts of the globe. While the language, customs, and faces on my journeys change – the hearts never do.
As human beings, we are fueled by our emotions - and the truth is that despite our best efforts on a conscious level, much of our present reality is the result of how we have processed those emotions on a subconscious level.
It is for this reason that I was captured by the work of Dr. Shefali Tsabary, a clinically-trained psychologist whose approach to mindful living and parenting has been hailed by many as being revolutionary. After applying Dr. Shefali's teachings within my own life for years, I was accepted into her Conscious Coaching Institute alongside other professionals looking to improve the trajectory of our society's mental health.
As a veteran teacher, I’ve talked students through everything from difficult home lives to considerations of self-harm. I’ve supported parents through times of divorce, special needs' challenges, identity concerns, and terminal illness.
As a coach, I regularly help individuals improve their ability to communicate and connect with those who matter most, no matter what struggles are at hand. Clients have found the courage to move on from misaligned relationships, try new parenting strategies, improve the organizational flow and overall climate of their school, and make necessary changes with courage and confidence in place of fear and anxiety.
Hearing a client say "things are so much easier now" is my favorite part of this work.
I believe that knowing how to cultivate a sense of ease and internal peace is one of the most valuable skills a human being can learn. It lets us be comfortable within our skin despite life's storms, and allows those we care about to feel safe and supported in our presence - which is exactly what is needed if we and those we love are to reach our full potential.
If you are a parent in need of encouragement, an educator ready to quit, or an individual looking to get out of survival mode, I encourage you to reach out to me today. While I can’t promise that our work together will be easy, I can assure you that if you are truly committed, you will learn and grow into the individual you always hoped to be. I look forward to hearing from you soon!