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Frequently Asked Questions
I see you are certified in the Conscious Parenting Method. What exactly is that?The Conscious Parenting Method is a practice developed by clinical psychologist Dr. Shefali Tsabary. Its basis is that in order for children to grow up emotionally healthy and resilient, the adults in their lives must first do their own work to embody emotional health and resilience. Many adults enter into parenthood without first having had an opportunity to heal their own childhood wounds. As a result, it is not uncommon for parents to unconsciously project their unhealed pain onto their children, thus perpetuating the continued cycle of unhealthy generational patterns. A Conscious Parent is one who has decided to be the transformer within their family – the one with whom the negative patterns of a family’s past come to an end. While the Conscious Parenting Method has the potential to change your family dynamics for the better, it will require patience, commitment, and consistency on your part to be successfully put into practice. The CPM also requires quite a deal of bravery, as you will be shifting the sails of a boat that for generations has only sailed in one direction. It will require that you let go of your need to impose your will or agenda on your child, and instead surrender to the idea that they are an autonomous being in need of guidance from an adult who loves them unconditionally.
I'm interested in Family Coaching but am concerned my other family members won't be. Can you help?The good news is that I do not have to work with your family members in order for you to see a shift in your relationships with them. If you as an individual show up for each of our sessions with a willingness to learn, grow, and prosper ~ you yourself will reap all of the benefits of self-growth, and then some. My best advice is to not let the nay-saying of another impede your own desire to improve and progress. I can promise you I have been there myself, and there hasn't been a day yet that I have regretted following my own heart and personal judgement. My job as your coach is to help you see what you do and do not have control over in your life. For situations in which you can actively make a difference, I will be your biggest supporter as you initiate changes in your mindset, patterns, and habits. For things that are beyond your control ~ such as whether or not a family member agrees to coaching ~ I will offer you tools and strategies to help you navigate the unknown waters of acceptance and surrender. It is not an easy journey by any means, but one that your future self and children will surely thank you for.
How is coaching different than therapy?The model of coach-client is one of equal partners, with one helping the other to achieve their life goals. As a coach, our view is that our client is already whole. There is no fixing that needs to be done ~ nothing is missing except awareness and change. A coach helps their client uncover the potential they already have within themselves to heal and prosper. Therapy often focuses on the past. While the coach does touch upon this, they do not remain there. The past is only used as a guide to help inform change in the present. While a coach will delve into the client’s subconscious and unconscious mind, we will not do so to the extent that a therapist will. A coach will actively work alongside their client as a co-problem-solver. They are not passive or indirect, as can be the case in therapy. We are goal-directed and strive to help clients achieve their visions. If there is a pattern you are stuck in but are unable to see, a coach can take a direct approach in bringing the pattern to your awareness. That being said, coaching is often time-bound and does not typically continue for an indefinite period of time. Your coach will not wait years for you to have an “aha” moment. If they feel you are stuck, they will lovingly bring it to the forefront so that you can do the work necessary to help you move forward. While coaches do delve into the emotional psyche of the client, we are solution-oriented and goal driven. If we feel that you have an emotional disturbance or mental health condition that needs addressing, we will refer you to a therapist who can better help tend to your needs. Therapy is about healing a diagnosis. Coaching is about attaining new goals.
Where do you meet with your clients?The majority of my sessions take place over Zoom. This allows me the opportunity to regularly support anyone who is seeking guidance, no matter where they live. I am also available to travel within the US to provide in-person services on a case-by-case basis.
What's your cancellation policy?Clients can reschedule a coaching session by providing 24 hours notice in advance of their session. A make-up session can then be scheduled within a week of the original session. If 24 hours notice is not given, the session is not eligible for a make-up and will need to be paid for. Exceptions may be made in the case of an emergency on a case-by-case basis.
Can I contact you in between sessions for extra support?My clients may text, call, or email me for support any day of the week. Hourly coaching and/or consulting rates apply. I will usually respond within 48 hours. Disclaimer * If you are in need of emergency help & support, please dial 911, go to your nearest ER, or contact The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255) * If you are in need of non-emergency mental & emotional support, you can contact California's Peer-Run Warm Line. They are open 24 hours a day/7 days a week: 1-855-845-7415
What happens if I need more extensive help?If I believe that the work we have ahead of us is beyond my scope of practice, I will refer you to a licensed clinician. Additionally, if at any point you or I feel that we are not a good match as client/coach, I will offer referrals of other qualified coaches who may better support you. My priority is to both serve your highest good while honoring the code of ethics, and I can assure you that I will do nothing less than that.
How long are your sessions?For my Family & Individual Coaching clients, I do 90 minute sessions. I have found this is the best length of time for the work that we do together. It allows you to share the week's events and address present moment concerns while also leaving room to explore deeper rooted issues as needed. For my Student Coaching clients, I do 60 minute sessions. This lets us touch base on their academics and social-emotional concerns in a time efficient manner that leads to a feeling of ease vs. overwhelm. For my Educational Consulting clients, the time I spend with them varies from case to case depending upon their needs and their budget.
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